Posted by: Linda | May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day Memories II

As I was thinking about my previous post on Mother’s Day Memories, I realized that I don’t recall doing anything special for my Mom on Mother’s Day as I was growing up.  I remember celebrating after I was through college and working on my own but not before that.

I realize Mother’s Day has become much more commercialized in the last 30 some years but when was it first celebrated?  I decided to do an internet search and here’s what I found…

Apparently it was first celebrated in ancient Greece and in the 17th century “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated in England.

Julia Ward Howe suggested it in 1872 in the U.S.  She wrote the words for the Battle Hymn of the Republic, but the first known observance was in Michigan in 1877 on the second Sunday in May.

In 1914 it was declared a national holiday by President Woodrow Wilson.  There is a lot more interesting history that you can read here if you would like, but for my purposes this is what I wanted to know.

When I was growing up people ate at home, in fact businesses were closed on Sundays ( Sunday Blue laws), so there was no taking Mom out to eat after church.  This meant Mom cooked her own celebration meal in our house.

I guess what matters most is that I love and respect my Mom.  One of my fondest memories of her is that of her sitting at the back of the living room with her Bible open on her lap.  She is a godly woman of great faith and one day I hope to have as great a faith.  She saw to it that my siblings and I got to Sunday school and church each week.  I am sure it is because of her and her faith that I found Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

What better legacy can a person have?  She is always available when I need something and helps me as much today as she did when I was growing up.

I love you Mom!

Linda ❤
